How to Do-Good

Quick How-To Guide: Start the day with a little silence, scripture (via Forward Day by Day, if you choose) and prayer. Then open your eyes and make it a practice to be hyper-aware of who and what's going on around you. Deploy that deed with confidence when God gives you his signature gentle nudge. This may feel awkward and unnatural. #NoWorries #GoWithIt #DeedWellDone #BlessingsEnsueJustWait

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 28

Scripture: Ps 101, 109:1-30, 119:121-144; Jeremiah 18:1-11; Romans 8:1-11; John 6:27-40

Scripture standout: John 6; "35 Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. 36 But as I told you, you have seen me and still you do not believe. 37All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. 38 For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me. 39 And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day. 40 For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”

Morning thoughts: I like this verse very much. Beside the great imagery of eating bread (which I love!)  like the idea that God, through Christ, will lose NONE — not one person. And that he raises them up on the last day. Especially as our church plans its first interfaith forum, I am reminded how convicted some people feel about who's going to heaven — and who isn't. If you're a Christian, you're in — and if you're a Muslim, say, or Jewish, well you ain't on this list and that's just tough tamales. I have a hard time believing that. It sounds so exclusive, so not-God-like. A gal I think highly of, a spiritual mentor of sorts, says we'll never know what God shares with those experiencing their final moments — until, of course, it's our final day. But I like this idea: "All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away."

I'm going to go for some bread of life this morning — after my morning meeting with a dietician (who will probably remind me how terrible bread is for me, and how I should limit it in my daily diet. Mean ole diet lady.)

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