How to Do-Good

Quick How-To Guide: Start the day with a little silence, scripture (via Forward Day by Day, if you choose) and prayer. Then open your eyes and make it a practice to be hyper-aware of who and what's going on around you. Deploy that deed with confidence when God gives you his signature gentle nudge. This may feel awkward and unnatural. #NoWorries #GoWithIt #DeedWellDone #BlessingsEnsueJustWait

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 118

Scripture: Ps 5, 6, 10, 11; 1 Samuel 15:24-35; Acts 9:32-43; Luke 23:56-24:11

Scripture standout: Acts 9: "40 Peter sent them all out of the room; then he got down on his knees and prayed. Turning toward the dead woman, he said, “Tabitha, get up.” She opened her eyes, and seeing Peter she sat up. 41 He took her by the hand and helped her to her feet. Then he called for the believers, especially the widows, and presented her to them alive. 42 This became known all over Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord."

Morning thoughts: Prayer works! Praying for a precious little girl, Soman, this morning. She's having open-heart surgery that will take most of the day. She will be asleep until tomorrow. Jesus wasn't the only person in history who could heal. He showed us that prayer works for everyone who asks. No degree in prayer professionalism needed.

I have friends and family who want to get their arms around the act of praying. They want physical evidence, and a dissection of the process and source. I am flat out of answers there. But I know it works, many people...have experienced very tangible reminders of prayer's power. One of the moments I hold the closest is one about my mom. During a church retreat, we were all asked to pray for three things during the weekend. I am not that into church retreats, but figured I should play along. I chose my marriage, something else I can't remember, and to have more memories of my mom who died nearly two decades ago. I was afraid of forgetting specific things about her. I couldn't even remember what she sounded like. When I got home, guess what greeted me? A happy husband who had been dowloading CDs to his iPod all weekend. Guess what he came across? An old cassette tape that my mom and dad had made for some friends overseas. It was a recorded "letter" of sorts. I have no idea where it came from, or how it wound up in our CD collection. On it, I heard her sweet voice over and over again, telling stories...laughing. I will never forget that answer to prayer.

His Deed/The Day: Happy, easy-to-please Afghan boys make it simple to complete deeds. Today, they wanted some Quroot. So we went to the Iranian food store to get some. Not sure what Quroot is? It's dried yogurt that's shaped into a top-looking dealy whops. In fact, Quodrat's mom makes these and sells them in their town, Farah. (This is not her, btw):

You're supposed to suck on it for some salty flavor flave. They are mighty tasty, and a fun challenge to eat.

Today I also got Qudrat some fast new kicks. He is a zippy runner, and has been hoofing it in these very stiff, very stinky little half-sneakers-half-dress shoes tennies. Maybe these will help him run faster...don't all new tennis shoes?

According to Soman's host parents, Soman's heart surgery went well today...although she is still in the middle of it. Prayers are still coming their way.

1 comment:

  1. Plunk -- plunk -- plunk.
    My big ole tears.
    Our God loves us that much!
