How to Do-Good

Quick How-To Guide: Start the day with a little silence, scripture (via Forward Day by Day, if you choose) and prayer. Then open your eyes and make it a practice to be hyper-aware of who and what's going on around you. Deploy that deed with confidence when God gives you his signature gentle nudge. This may feel awkward and unnatural. #NoWorries #GoWithIt #DeedWellDone #BlessingsEnsueJustWait

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 230

Scripture: Ps 119:89-96; Deuteronomy 32:1-4; Ephesians 2:13-22; John 15:17-27
Scripture standout: Deuteronomy 32: "3 I will proclaim the name of the LORD. 
   Oh, praise the greatness of our God! 
4 He is the Rock, his works are perfect, 
   and all his ways are just. 
A faithful God who does no wrong, 
   upright and just is he."

Ephesisans 2: "19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household,"

His Deed/The Day: I had a lovely dinner last night with one of the duckiest gals in town (ha! pun alert!) We were sharing our spiritual journeys. She's great because she doesn't use polite words to describe her walk, and doesn't sugar coat the big bumps along the way. Nor does she prop herself up as a perfect person who has it all figured otu. We talked about being real, and what it looks like when you're in the muck. When you're in a particularly stinky spot, it feels like God is kicking you out of his household. But in retrospect, it's so clear how he's actually putting you in a situation that is much, much better. It was nice to look back sometimes and see how that all works.

My brother and his family are moving today. Moving is a muck, mucky muckity place to be. I know they're not thrilled with the whole process. And I can't say I blame them. We ordered dinner for them, and hopefully it will arrive today when they're at their hungriest!

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