How to Do-Good

Quick How-To Guide: Start the day with a little silence, scripture (via Forward Day by Day, if you choose) and prayer. Then open your eyes and make it a practice to be hyper-aware of who and what's going on around you. Deploy that deed with confidence when God gives you his signature gentle nudge. This may feel awkward and unnatural. #NoWorries #GoWithIt #DeedWellDone #BlessingsEnsueJustWait

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 79

Scripture: Ps 106:1-48;  Romans 14:13-23; Luke 8:40-56

Scripture standout: Romans 14: "13 Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister."

Luke 8: "“Stop wailing,” Jesus said. “She is not dead but asleep.”
 53 They laughed at him, knowing that she was dead. 54 But he took her by the hand and said, “My child, get up!” 55 Her spirit returned, and at once she stood up."

Morning thoughts: School's out. That means the schedule is out. From September to May, I become so robotic I'm never sure how I will react to being yanked off my routine! This morning, for instance, I slept until 8:30 and read the paper before my run and quiet time. I have mild fears this change in course will send me spinning! I'd like to say change is good, so this neurotic near-40-something is keeping her fingers crossed that the wheels don't fall off the bus!

So when I was reading the paper this morning during a new time slot, I came across a great example of deeding. The story is about how a town is rallying around four orphaned girls. Their parents are gone in a murder-suicide, and all the girls are separated in different foster homes. The oldest, who is 18, wishes to take care of her sisters but needed to get her parent's home up to protective services standards. The community stepped in to make improvements to the house and help her cover mortgage payments, while the 18-year-old continues her job at a nursing home. How does the saying go, "many hands make for lighter loads?" Or maybe it's like the reading from Romans, do not put any obstacles in front of your neighbor?

The Deed/The Day: Today, Marley and I went to see Kung Fu Panda 2 with Abed and Ashraf. I was going to write off "pin care" as today's deed for the third day in a row, but was delighted when the ticket lady asked if I wanted to give $1 to the charity they were promoting. I shouted out an eager yes! She smiled with surprise and tacked on the extra buck. Easy. Then we saw Jack Black's masterpiece, skadooooooosh!!!!

Our plan for this evening was to pack a picnic dinner and head out to the beach for an outdoor symphony brass concert at Sawgrass. This required a little legwork, and with David (the picnic packer extraordinaire) out of town this fell into my realm. I had arranged a wheelchair for Ashraf and planned to pick up pizzas — and when I set out to load it all up in the car, the heavens unleashed and it began to pour. I think it really got going when I got out of the car and attempted to load the wheelchair into "the way back." I was soaked. And it got worse when I made stop #2 at Dominoes. Soaked. Drenched. I asked God why the heck I was pushing this, the concert would be canceled for sure!!!!

And it was. We ended up having an indoor picnic. The kids had friends over and they played all sorts of silly acting games with Abed — who interpreted for sweet Ashraf. Hearing their laughter and silliness was intoxicating. The boos of rainy weather were a distant memory. Contentment. Happiness. Love it.

One more thing. I don't like clowns. And I'm sure I would send my kids to Wavy Gravy's summer camp. Let's face it, the person who likes to judge others in me gets skeptical about clowns and kids and summer camp. Especially when the camp director looks like this...

HOWEVER, check out this clip from Hottie Brian Williams. I think Wavy Gravy hits an important part of samaratin-zing. It feels really good, it's a high — like a Grateful Dead, Woodstock kind of high. And it's just amazing to me that this guy, this clown, has paid for the cataract surgeries of more than 3 million people in the world. If a clown can do it...what am I waiting for? And why am I judging this toothless, semi-freakish clown? Who am I?

Thank you, Hottie Brian Williams, for once again shining the light on people who are doing the things we should all be doing — especially me.


  1. The Hippies Were Right!

  2. Wavy Gravy! Wow, I forgot all about that wonderful man. He's been working his butt off for a loooong time. I imagine that this thermally-advanced, um, Mr. Williams reported on how ol' W. Gravy got his new name, because I knew him as Mr. Romney. heh.

  3. Wavy Gravy? If you really knew what a charlatan he is you wouldn't hack out such glowing praise.

    Oh, but how judgemental of me to point out that something is what it is!
