How to Do-Good

Quick How-To Guide: Start the day with a little silence, scripture (via Forward Day by Day, if you choose) and prayer. Then open your eyes and make it a practice to be hyper-aware of who and what's going on around you. Deploy that deed with confidence when God gives you his signature gentle nudge. This may feel awkward and unnatural. #NoWorries #GoWithIt #DeedWellDone #BlessingsEnsueJustWait

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 100!

Scripture: Ps 88, 91, 92; 1 Samuel 3:1-21; Acts 2:37-47; Luke 21:5-19

Scripture standout: Luke 21: "19 Stand firm, and you will win life."

Morning thoughts: Gotta get goin'!"

His Deed/The Day: With this being Day 100 and all, you'd think I'd have reached some kind of epiphany! But I'm dry. Must be because I'm dog tired. I'm even too tired to finish my chardonnay and join the boys for that show about the two guys who survive in the wild. 

Today's deed was helping Qodrat through a wrenching, no pun intended, two-hour tooth extraction. We held hands I prayed from the bottom of my toes that the dentist would yank, and yank fast. Hikmat joined in on the fun today, too. I meant to get her a few boxes of Nutty Bars today, but that deed went by undone, unfortunately. Dang, Hikmat loves Nutty Bars! I thought that would be something she could eat gently. But I got too caught up in the schedule and forgot to stop. 

As soon as everyone's teeth were yanked we headed out to the mosque to try and make 2 p.m. prayers. Let me just mention here that when the boys and interpreters were asked earlier in the week if they wanted to go to mosque, the was a resounding and joyful "YES!!!" as if they had been invited to go to Harry Potter World or Disney or something. I can tell you without hesitation that my kids would NEVER, I repeat NEVER, be that excited about church. I take that back. If one of them could dress up like the pancake, there may be a different reaction. But on a normal Sunday, it's like trying to start a dead engine.

 We were late to the mosque — we missed prayers. But we got a tour. I wore a scarf, fit right in. The rest of the day was spent driving the Afghan Shuttle to Pump it Up.  The afternoon ended in the addition of two more Afghans to the fun  for a two-night stay. This bus driver is hitting the hay. Toot-Toot!

P.S. (One last thought...the tooth fairy is visiting Qodrat for the first time tonight. A tooth with roots three inches long that took two hours to wrench out deserves a big, phat visit. 12-year-olds are usually so "over it" with things like Santa and the TF, but Qodrat is excited. It makes me feel the same way.)

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