How to Do-Good

Quick How-To Guide: Start the day with a little silence, scripture (via Forward Day by Day, if you choose) and prayer. Then open your eyes and make it a practice to be hyper-aware of who and what's going on around you. Deploy that deed with confidence when God gives you his signature gentle nudge. This may feel awkward and unnatural. #NoWorries #GoWithIt #DeedWellDone #BlessingsEnsueJustWait

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 299

Scripture: Ps 72:1-7, 10-14; Isaiah 60:1-6; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2: 1-12

Scripture standout: Ephesians 3: "2 Through him and through faith in him we can approach God. We can come to him freely. We can come without fear."

Matthew 2: "9 After the Wise Men had listened to the king, they went on their way. The star they had seen when they were in the east went ahead of them. It finally stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they were filled with joy.
 11 The Wise Men went to the house. There they saw the child with his mother Mary. They bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures. They gave him gold, incense and myrrh."

His Deed/The Day: Put $1 in an empty tip jar at the yogurt store.

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