How to Do-Good

Quick How-To Guide: Start the day with a little silence, scripture (via Forward Day by Day, if you choose) and prayer. Then open your eyes and make it a practice to be hyper-aware of who and what's going on around you. Deploy that deed with confidence when God gives you his signature gentle nudge. This may feel awkward and unnatural. #NoWorries #GoWithIt #DeedWellDone #BlessingsEnsueJustWait

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 263

Scripture: Ps 18; Amos 4:6-13; 2 Peter 3:11-18; Matthew 21:33-46

Scripture standout: Ps 18: "36 You give me a wide path to walk on 
      so that I don't twist my ankles."

Amos: "13 The Lord forms the mountains.
      He creates the wind.
      He makes his thoughts known to human beings.
   He turns sunrise into darkness.
      He rules over the highest places on earth. 
      His name is The Lord God Who Rules Over All."

2 Peter 3: "So be on your guard. Then you won't be led down the wrong path by the mistakes of people who don't obey the law."

His Deed/The Day: My heart is heavy for some things, and joyful for others. Let's talk about the joyful part. Today is the first Day of December. Finally, I can pawn off daily deeding on my family! Backup has arrived! Every years we do an advent game called "Helping Hands." Every day, the kids are supposed to do a good deed, share it during dinner and point to a glove on this wreath I made — and receive a treat that is inside. It's all good. Kids love it. It teaches them to be on the look out for opportunities to help others (to be God's "Helping Hands") and shows them that there is reward in helping others.

This year, we're ramping it up. In addition to Helping Hands, we're trying "Blessings Bowl." I don't know if you've ever been to, but it's a wonderful little resources — especially if you're looking high and low for deeding opps. Basically, WeGive is a local clearing house for organizations to list their needs in a tangible, price-tagged way. You can peruse the list by organization, the value of their needs, how much time is left on the ask and a few other options. For Blessings Bowl, I sorted the organization's asks through dollar amount. I started with the least, $10. You can't imagine how many pages of needs spewed forth! There must have been 8 pages full! So I printed them out, cut out the explanation of each organization's need and what $10 would buy them, and cut each one out. I folded each need and put it in a bowl. The bowl is overflowing...there must be 150 needs in there! The plan is: each night, one of the children will choose four pieces of paper. He/she will read what $10 will buy each of the four organizations. Then, the choosing child will decide how we are going to spend $10 to help someone.

Last night, it was just Marley and me. The boys are in Texas hunting. She chose four pieces of paper and decided on helping the kids at The Sanctuary. A $10 donation helps them provide a gift card for a child. With a few clicks, we donated $10. Marley was even able to make the donation in honor of her favorite teacher, Mrs. Body.

As I look ahead into December, it is a relief to have some help on this daily seeking for a good deed to fill. Looking forward to it!

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